
Selling on Noihsaf Bazaar

Listing items for sale on Noihsaf Bazaar is free!

When your item sells, our fee structure is as follows:

  • Selling fee of 10% on cost of item (including shipping), with a $3.80 minimum
  • Standard payment processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 USD

Our resale site is different than most because we curate every single item that comes in. That means we hand select every submission that comes our way! We base our curation on a multitude of factors. Some of these include: what is already in the queue, brand, condition, material, and what sells. Noihsaf's focus is on independent and emerging designers. We do not accept fast fashion or luxury brands. Our niche is on the speciality brands you find at a boutique or a small designer that values sustainability and ethical practices when creating a garment.

Sellers are asked to be transparent and forthcoming about the item you are selling. When creating a listing, please be honest and fair in describing your item and disclose as much information as possible under the “ item condition”. Our Product Condition Guidelines can be reviewed here. No detail is too small. Take time to be thorough and accurate about details such as the condition, fit, measurements and original price. Be sure to include photos that demonstrate the condition when necessary. This way, buyers know exactly what it is that they are getting and the risk of a dispute is decreased. Make sure your item is clean and ready for its new home. Since a lot of folks are sensitive to scents we recommend laundering or dry cleaning with fragrance free products as necessary.

Please note that we do not accept items priced above retail, and we ask that you do not resell items purchased on Noihsaf Bazaar for more than you paid for the item.

Please ship your item within 3 business days of receiving payment and add the tracking information to the order as soon as you have it. All items should be shipped using a service that provides tracking information. We recommend using a shipping option that provides insurance, especially for large ticket items. Noihsaf Bazaar is not responsible for items lost or damaged in transit.
Have something special to sell? See how to get your items listed below:

To become a seller on Noihsaf Bazaar, you must sign up for Noihsaf Payments

  1. Register and setup your Noihsaf Bazaar account here.
  2. Prepare your items. All items should be cleaned (preferably with fragrance free products) pressed and inspected for any damage or flaws.
  3. Photograph your items. (View our photo tips guide.)
  4. Submit your items.
  5. After our curators review your item, you will receive an email notification once your item is added the feed. If your item is declined by our curators, you will be updated via email.

How to process your sale

You will receive an email notification when an item sells. The seller and buyer can communicate via the comment section on the order. Please pack and ship your item within 3 business days of purchase. The shipping details can be located on the order via your Noihsaf dashboard. All orders should be shipped using a service that provides tracking numbers. We recommend using a service that provides insurance, and that you insure your package for the full value, especially for bigger ticket items. Once your item has shipped, visit the order to "mark it as shipped" and add the tracking information. Seller's earnings are added to their balance once an order is delivered.

Re-listing your item

What happens after your listing expires? Can you re-list on the site?

Yes! All items in your shop are available for 60 days. At the end of those 60 days, the listing expires in your shop. In your seller dashboard, you can make the item available for purchase again by selecting the “re-list” button at the top of the page. This will make the item available for an additional 60 days. Re-listing will not bump your item to the top of the main feed, although we are exploring options to make that a possibility.

For now, re-listing an item is free and can be done as many times as you want.